drama / coulour / 10’30’’ / 16:9 / stereo 2.0
VO: French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian
VOST: Fr, En, Es, Pt
Production: Hélios Asbl
Kino kabaret Bruxelles / C-Side Productions
Distribution: C-Side Productions
With: Carrine Da Silva, Antojo Chanel Agura, Dorothée Capelluto, Laurence Briand, Flávia Santana, André Lopes Costa, Priscilla Frey, Fabiola Herremans
Scenario et direction: Anouk Dominguez-Degen
Image: Thomas Schira
Director assistant: Robin Andelfinger
Scripte: Aurélie Thirifays
Sound: Gilles Lacroix
Soundboom: Emmanuelle Nicot
Décor & costume: Aude Verbiguié Soum
Props: Isabelle Schapira
Make-up: Adeline Laubach
Camera assistant: Robin Montrau
Grip: Gabriel Bertrand
Location management: Alizé Van Reeth
Music: Hicham Chahidi
Editing: Anouk Dominguez-Degen
Colour-grading: Thomas Schira
Soundmix: Charles Menger
Production: Hélios Asbl (Belgique) / C-Side Productions (Suisse) – Benjamin Poumey & Priscilla Frey
With the support of: Replica Films Asbl, C-Side Productions, Earthling Productions, Le Parloir
Production during the Kino kabaret International of Bruxelles
A shortfilm by Anouk Dominguez-Degen
Belgium / Switzerland, 2014. 10’30’’
LOU is a story of women, including the underground live of Luciana, a Portuguese who immigrated in Brussels working in a brothel. On that day, she tries to wish a Happy Birthday by Skype to his young son who has stayed in Portugal.