C-side Productions supported this video installation wich was shot with the Red Epic-m Dragon and will be presented at BIG, The Geneva independent art center’s biennale on the 26-27-28 June 2015 in Plainpalais, in the PICTO container. It received the 3rd price + cinema price at The Choreographic Captures.
Directors: Erika Irmler, Alexa Andrey
Photographer and post-production: Raphaël Frauenfelder
Sound engineer and sound mix: Masaki Hatsui
Conception: Kiss bang bang (https://www.facebook.com/kbbprod)
Assistants: Hanni Lee, Laurence Favre
Dancers: Aïsha, Aline, Amaury, Aurore, Cédric, Chanh, Christian, Dario, Eléonore, Elodie, Ismael, Jacob, Marilyn, Pascal, Pascale, Pauline, Thomas, Virginie, Yvan, Yvonne.
Equipment: Caméra Red Epic-M Dragon, C-Side Productions
Shooted: in l’Abri, Espace culturel pour les jeunes talents, Genève (https://www.fondationlabri.ch)
Projection: BIG, The Geneva independent art center’s biennale
Dates: 26-27-28 juin 2015
Lieu: Plainpalais, PICTO container.
lien: www.bigbiennale.ch
A video installation by Alexa Andrey and Erika Irmler, 2015
Alexa Andrey and Erika Irmler’s installation “Inside Dance” is a video shown on a 1:1 scale . 20 dancers, professional and non professional, dance to the music of their choice. The display is simple: a fixed camera, one take, no cuts and a life size projection. The time frame of the piece creates a fragile and intimate space shared by the dancer and the spectator.