This shortfilm produced by Earthling Productions, was shot with equipement* from C-Side. The image post-production work was also made by C-Side Productions.

* Red Epic camera and Zeiss Super Speed MkI lenses


Earthling Productions
contact: info(at)


DCP 4K 1:85 / Colour / VO fr stereo / 28’
Scenario & Direction: Cicero Egli
Production: Priscilla Frey & Damien Molineaux
Director assistant: Corentin de Tonnac
DOP: Patrick Tresch
Camera assistant :
Damien Molineaux
Sound Recording: Nicolas Binggeli
Sound boom:
Charles Menger
Aurélie Aeberhard
Set: Patrick Jutzeler
Sound mix: Adrien Kessler
Editing: Sandrane Ducimetière
Colour-grading: Damien Molineaux
Subtitles available: anglais, allemand
Produced with the support of: La Ville de Genève – Département de la culture / Le Département de l’instruction publique – République et canton de Genève / C-Side Productions SA – Genève

The Day Will Come

A shortfilm by Cicero Egli / Earthling Productions
Switzerland, 2012 / 26’





Bahman left Syria and exiled in Switzerland. Caught by his own past, this Kurdish man finds himself in a dilemna. Fight for his freedom or sacrifice himself to help his family.


