Vostok Session, June 9th, 2014
Radio Vostok, Geneva
Nut Nut interpreted “Lines” in a studio at l’Usine, Geneva. To listen the whole set, go to the Radio Vostok website.
C-Side Productions
Le Parloir
Radio Vostok
contact: cmenger (at) radiovostok.ch
Performer : Nut Nut – nutnutmusic.com
Song Title : Lines
Place : Nut Nut studio, Usine Geneva
Date : June 9th, 2014
HD / Colour / 9’15
Image : Blaise Villars
Sound : Charles Menger
Sound boom : Alexis Raphaëloff
Colour-grading : Blaise Villars @ C-Side Productions, Geneva
Mastering : Charles Menger @ Le Parloir, Geneva
Camera : Digital Bolex D16
Long take shoot, all instruments played live by Nut Nut
All rights reserved Le Parloir – Radio Vostok 2014
Vostok Session, June 9th, 2014
Radio Vostok, Geneva
Nut Nut interpreted “Lines” in a studio at l’Usine, Geneva. To listen the whole set, go to the Radio Vostok website.
Better than a new beginning: two new beginnings!
Le chant de grillons, color graded at C-Side.