After a few weeks waiting, the PL mount for our Bolex D16 has finally been delivered. We immediately mounted it onto the camera and went to shoot a few tests with our film lenses.
The idea was to finally be able to complement the camera with a mattebox and use our ND filters (neutral density) to shoot with daylight and choose the aperture (stops) that we desire.
We then realized that the CCD sensor doesn’t filter the infrared pollution and that one needs, therefore, absolutely shoot with IR filters.
The image above has been colour-graded the same way using the native .DNG file and developing it with the Adobe Camera Raw software. We can clearly see that when adding an 1.5 ND filter (5 stops loss), the infrared pollution is strong and almost makes the image unusable.
It is therefor necessary to use IR filters in complement, and this even with an 0.3 ND filter (1 stop loss).
In order for you to see the issue, you can download these .DNG files of images taken from my tests: